Saturday, March 31, 2018

How Do I Make Money Fast When I’m Broke?

If you are looking at working for yourself then it's probably because of one simple thing - YOU ARE BROKE! Okay, maybe not broke but either way you've asked yourself "how do I make money fast?" and now you are trying to come up with an answer. Let me give you some tips...

I need money in 72 hours or less, how do I make money fast?

If this is you then there is one choice and one choice only - you MUST sell something for cash. The best way to do this is to clean out your closet, go to any of the various auction sites and post you wares. This is the quickest way I know to make money fast. Better yet, if you want to make it a business (part time or full) then you need to do a little research and find out what is selling quickly.

If you are using eBay then all you need to do is an advanced search of completed auctions and you'll see a list of products. Pick out the products that are in green and these indicated a successfully sold product. And, this means that someone like you asked themselves "how do I make money fast?" and answered their question by selling this product. So, why not you?

The next step is to find out the username of the seller. Take that username and go to another website called GoofBay. Here you can enter the seller's name and find out all of the auctions they participated in over the last 30-60 days. And, you want to only pay attention to what they SOLD.

The key to figuring out how to succeed at auctions is to find products that others are already successfully selling. Then, you need to figure out ways to purchase these products below their typical selling amount. And, the difference between the buying and selling price is your profit, simple as that.

How do I make money fast when I have no product? Easy, the final thing you should now do is create a list of the successfully sold products you found in your research above. Then, go to another section of Goofbay and look for misspellings of those product names. Believe it or not, a person's "fat fingers" can actually make you money. People list products by the wrong name every day. And, as a result, nobody can find their auctions and they forget one simple rule to the question of "how do I make money fast?" and that is that detail matters! Pay attention because sloppy work will cost you dollars.

Finally, in order to make money fast you need to bid on the misspelled auctions, purchase them and resale them under the CORRECT name. Done correctly you WILL make money fast by playing a little auction arbitrage. The truth of the matter is that when you pose the question of "how do I make money fast?" and if you have no money to get started then you must work harder. But, the results will far outweigh the boredom of finding misspelled auctions and reselling them. Give it a try and I believe that you too will figure out how to make money fast online or off! Good luck.

Source by Todd N. Wesley

Reference source :
How Do I Make Money Fast When I’m Broke?


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