Monday, December 18, 2017

Introducing the Minimalist Pro Theme

Last week I published a short piece on Minimalism, explaining the clarity I’ve received over the past few weeks about an area I’m passionate about.

I’m very pleased to share that I’ve updated and have released Minimalist Pro—a free theme for the Genesis Framework. This theme was intentionally designed for the minimalist, with an emphasis on typography and a clutter-free look.

Minimalist Pro Theme for Genesis Framework

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The Minimalist Pro theme for Genesis

It’s been more than two years since I released the original Minimalist theme, and this one includes enough updates to warrant a name change to Minimalist Pro.

Here’s a list of things that have been updated in the theme:

1. New responsive menu JS code.

Thanks to the hard work and perseverance of Calvin Koepke, we recently pushed out updates to a few of our more popular themes at StudioPress. One of those updates was a refactored codebase for our responsive menus in a centralized JavaScript file. This adds better support for accessibility, the ability to combine menus in responsive view, and overall makes the performance of menus better.

2. Update typography and colors.

I love change and keeping up with modern design, so this was an easy decision for me. The serif font that was being used on the Minimalist theme felt outdated and bland, so I took some inspiration from the Infinity Pro theme and replaced it with Cormorant Garamond. Also updated was the accent color and the move to pure black for paragraph text.

3. Include theme customizer for accent color.

Speaking of the theme customizer, this was another thing that was added to the Minimalist Pro theme. Now you can customize the accent color (link hovers, entry title hovers, button hovers) to anything you want, with just a few clicks. Yeah, I thought you’d like that. Thanks WordPress, for making it so easy now!

4. Add support for accessibility and translations.

Like all of the newer themes we are releasing at StudioPress, my free themes have taken big strides in staying current with the latest updates we make. Two of the things that I’ve added to Minimalist Pro are the support for accessibility and a language file for those who want to translate into another language.

I hope you enjoy the Minimalist Pro theme and can use it for one of your blogs. Feel free to hit me up on Twitter @bgardner to let me know what you think!

Reference source :
Introducing the Minimalist Pro Theme


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