Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Change, Possibility and Some Exciting News

This has been an exciting couple of years for Brains on Fire.

Full of change and growth and “possibility,” to borrow a word from our friend, Hugh Weber.

We opened an office in LA, which has made us think smarter and dream bigger. I’m on my way to LA today, as a matter fact.

We completely changed the way we run our business by implementing the Great Game of Business. It has made us rethink all our processes and the way we make decisions as a company. Today we’re stronger as a team than we’ve ever been.

We rolled up our sleeves and did the hard work to become a certified B Corp. And we’re super focused on becoming a FORCE for good in the world.

We had our first ever Good Four Day on April 4th. Along with 20 other brands and organizations, we each donated four hours of our time on 4/4 to causes we believe in. If all 608 people that signed up to participate in Good Four completed four hours of volunteer time that day, the hours equate to more than a year of full-time employment.

We also implemented “Jam Days” on Thursdays. Some of us work remote on Jam Days and others choose to work from the office, but we all try super hard NOT to schedule any meetings on Thursdays. It’s not always possible, but it’s our goal as a team. This helps create more focused time to give our clients and ourselves the brain room and working space to get stuff done! It was a scary thing to do in the beginning, letting go and trusting each person to choose how and where to work to be their most productive, but I can honestly say it has paid off in productivity and happiness.

And last, but not least, we made a BIG decision to move our Greenville office. For 16 years, we’ve been in a space we LOVE, the Innovate Building. It’s a space where we feel so connected to everything and everyone; our clients at VisitGreenvilleSC are just upstairs. Needless to say, the decision to move was a hard one. (It’s nice having clients so close.) But we decided it was smarter to own rather than lease as we grow. Last year, we tore down our walls and redecorated our current space. While we love MANY things about our redesigned open space as it is now, we also found we miss the smaller gathering spaces and the big gathering wall we gave up when we redecorated. We will use these lessons and insights to help us design the next chapter for Brains on Fire.

So, it’s official. Brains on Fire Greenville is Moving to The Village.

Reference source :
Change, Possibility and Some Exciting News


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