Like any meaningful cultural change, it starts with vision. The vision for B corporations set forth by B Labs is a compelling one that I’ve personally been interested in and drawn to for years. It’s a vision that embraces the AND not the EITHER / OR. You can be both a profitable business AND do good in the world. It’s not an either/or equation.
Being a B Corp isn’t straight up altruism, but it’s also not cut-throat capitalism either. It’s a healthy, responsible, sustainable median. It’s a better way to do business.
It paints a vision of a community of like-minded businesses that take care of their people, their community, and the environment. Businesses that collectively make an impact on society.
We found ourselves in that story. We recognized our own company vision, the vision set forth by Robbin Phillips (our Courageous President), in the vision of the B Corp ideals. And it’s a story we want to be a part of. A next chapter we want to write.
So it has helped us tell the story of who we felt we already are — as well as who we aspire to become.
Your People
Becoming a B Corp should be a collective decision. It’s passed down from the vision makers at the top, but you need collective buy in for it to be successful. You need a culture that embraces it 100% and a team that is eager to continue down the path of improvement together.
For us, the reasoning for our certification was most clearly found in our people.
Every day I am privileged to work with kind, generous, equitable colleagues that inspire and challenge me to be a better human.
At Brains on Fire, it was our people who championed our internal program that allows each employee four paid hours of community service / non-profit donation time every month.
It was our people who started the Good Four campaign. A nationwide call to agencies and creative companies to collectively give four hours of good time together on April 4th. 4/4.
Our people that are always encouraging us to be more diverse, more environmentally-conscious, more transparent.
It’s our people who are always pushing us to do more work that makes a real difference in the world.
It’s our people who find their professional purpose in meaningful work.
For us, it was simple. The B Corporation certification was the logical and best reflection of our people. It helps us tell the story of our people.
The Community
For us, the B Corp community is twofold…
First, It means being a part of a community of same-tribe brands, companies, and organizations that all share values and best practices designed to meet our social and environmental goals.
We are excited to join like-minded companies like Honest Company, Patagonia, Method, Good Worldwide and more in shaping the future of business.
Second, the community is our clients.
At Brains, clients are more than just clients. They become our partners and, more often than not, they become like family. The B Corp certification is a reminder to them that we will always be honest and fair and we will always push them to be famous for their people and the ways in which they love them.
It’s also a call to our present and future clients that we believe in doing work that makes a difference in the world and contributes in a meaningful way to the human experience.
Being a B Corp helps tell the story of our community.
Origin soruce :
Why We Became a B Corp – Our Most Important Story
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