This was your second tour of duty at Brains on Fire. How did this internship differ from the first?
Each experience was unique and fulfilling in its own way. I began my second internship with more education, more experience, and a more developed understanding of my professional goals and ambitions. This gave me the chance to tailor my work and contribute to the team in ways that I wouldn’t have considered the first time around.
What was the most challenging part of your internship?
This is tricky. I think the biggest challenge has been figuring out where my talents and interests best fit within the company. Because this wasn’t my first go-round, I wanted to make sure that my skills and talents were put to good use!
What advice do you have for future interns when it comes to getting the most out of their internship?
I’ve probably said this before, but take advantage of the opportunity you’ve been given. Ask questions, get to know the people you’re working with, and take on projects that challenge you.
What was your favorite project you worked on during your internship?
My favorite has definitely been my intern project, which I’ve dubbed “The Playlist Project.” I made playlists for different workplace moods that are filled with music selected by Brains On Fire employees. A lot of research and creative energy went into the project, and I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s favorite tunes. It was an awesome opportunity to empathize with the people we work with every day!
(Note: read the full scoop on Kylee’s playlist project here.)
What was your craziest moment at BOF?
There have been many crazy moments during my time here, but my favorite happened on Community Manager Appreciation Day. Moe set up a mandatory meeting for the whole CM team, but when we showed up it was a dupe. She took us to a local coffee shop to hang out and de-stress, which was awesome.
What is your biggest takeaway from your internship?
If you want to see something happen, make something happen. It was awesome watching ideas for projects like Good Four come to fruition, and I loved playing a small part in that.
What did you learn about yourself as a person through your internship?
I think the most important thing I’ve learned is that I’m capable of slowing down, setting aside my to-do list, and focusing on what’s happening in the moment. It definitely doesn’t come naturally for me, but it’s been a rewarding learning experience. The community team is also all about the enneagram personality system, so it’s been interesting to learn more about the team and how we work together through enneagram types. (Iif you’re curious, I’m an enneagram three).
In what way(s) did you grow the most professionally through your internship? What skill or knowledge are you leaving with that you didn’t have/know before?
I learned so much about community management during my first internship, so I came into this one looking to learn about new business and how Brains On Fire builds new client strategies. After sitting in on new business meetings and soaking up that knowledge, I’ve definitely gained some insight into how Brains brings in the bacon.
What’s up next for you?
I’m moving to Boston at the beginning of June! I’ll be starting a full-time role as a creative strategist at an agency in Beantown. I’m excited for this new chapter, and I’m hoping it will be filled with all of the cannolis and New England sports that my heart desires. If you’d like to keep up with my adventures, feel free to connect with me on social @kymuir.
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Internview: Farewell Kylee
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