Over the last ten years teaching people how to make money blogging by far the number one reason that stops beginners from getting anywhere is this…
They fail to set up their blog.
I know, it sounds crazy, but more often than I can remember, when I ask someone why they gave up they will tell me things like…
I can’t figure out how to use WordPress software and make the plugins work.
Or the just as common…
I can’t seem to get a nice blog theme design installed and looking good.
If you can’t get a blog online, then obviously you’re not going to make any money from a blog.
Technology Doesn’t Have To Kill Your Dream
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. When someone has no background in technology tries to install and configure software, even the basic setup will be a huge learning curve for them.
What does surprise me though, is how many people just give up because they find this first step so hard.
They figure if getting a blog up and running causes them so much frustration, there is no way they can do everything else that is required to get an online business off the ground.
It hurts me inside when this happens because they don’t see they are letting negative emotions win.
If this person would just get out of their own way and realize they shouldn’t be doing the technology job themselves, they would see that the rest of the process is much more fun because they are tapping into skills they have like writing (blog posts) and talking (videos and podcasts).
I’m no different — I do not like installing plugins or configuring software, but if I let those activities stop me, I would never get to enjoy the fun of creating content and making money from my ideas.
Hence a very long time ago, even when I had very little money, the first thing I ever paid for in my business was a tech person to help me.
Introducing BlogSetupServices.com: We Set Up Your Blog For You
I’m so excited to announce that my team and I, in partnership with Kerry the ‘Blog Mechanic‘, have opened up a new service.
It’s a simple idea – we will set up your blog for you.
BlogSetupServices.com includes:
- Installation of WordPress blog software
- A Premium Theme from StudioPress installed and configured for you (valued at $99.95)
- Six key plugins installed and ready to go
- Plus Bonus ‘Blog Tech 101‘ guide to help you with other tech issues
You won’t have to install or setup anything. Your blog will be up and running and looking beautiful, all you have to do is start filling it with articles, pictures, podcasts and/or videos!
Best of all — We offer this service for under $100.
You can find out all the details on the BlogSetupServices.com page.
We’ve only just launched the service, so we’re not backed up with clients yet, which means wait times are short.
I don’t know how long that will last though, so to make sure you are at the front of the line, order your new blog installed for you today.
Yaro Starak
Blog Evangelist
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Introducing BlogSetupServices.com – We Will Set Up Your Blog For You!
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