Friday, April 27, 2018

Why New Products Fail

pre-sell-your-productWhat is the difference between new products that take off in popularity and those that essentially get ignored?

How do you know when your new product is ready to sell?

Today I would like to share with you the key strategy that will allow you to not only sell more of your products and services to more people, but will also reduce refunds and improve your audience’s relationship with you.

In The Mainframe podcast, Tony and I have been covering the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) process for creating products and moving into how to simply and successfully launch those products.

One of the most vital aspects is the “pre-sell”. What does that mean?

The pre-sell is where you warm up your audience. You need to get them thinking about the problem before they start to understand how the solution would help them. They need to imagine the outcome or relief that would come from implementing the solution.

Too many people drop new products onto the market and hope that people will understand right away that they need to buy it. It would be like a new movie coming out at a cinema but with no trailers, no posters, just the movie title. Would you be excited about going to see that film?

Check out the podcast to learn

  • How people really buy
  • The best way to communicate your launch narrative
  • What marketers can learn from Star Wars
  • Why you need a waiting list

.. and if you like it, subscribe for future episodes via iTunes!

by Chris Garrett

Source link :
Why New Products Fail


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