Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Web Site Online Marketing

Do you want to make money on the web? So do millions of others. Fortunately there is plenty of room on the web for almost everyone. Web site online marketing can consist of some or all of the following areas:

* Search Engine Optimization

* Pay Per Click Advertising

* Link Exchange

* Paid Link Placement

* Email Campaigns

* Traditional Advertising

Search Engine Optimization

The majority of your web site online marketing work should be directed at getting your site listed well in the major search engines. Simply put, if your site does not show up on the first or second pages of Google, Yahoo, and MSN, you simply will not be successful on the web. It's impossible to create a profitable ecommerce site without using search engine optimization as the preferred method of web site online marketing. Upon first inspection, search engine optimization may seem an ominous task. But anyone with average intelligence and motivation can be successful with this form of web site online marketing.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Do not waste your time and money on this form of web site online marketing until you have your pages already listed well in the search engines. It's simply impossible to use pay as advertising as your main form of web site online marketing and be profitable. This form of web site online marketing should only be used to supplement your success with search engine optimization. Using this form of marketing can be a quick way to waste a lot of money if you are not an experienced web site marketer.

Link Exchange

In the past this used to be an almost required method of web site online marketing for site owners. However, the practice currently does little good at best and can actually hurt your site at worst! Link exchange was so rampant three or four years ago, that the major search engines are now very wary of the practice. Today, the only links that can help your site are one-way links. In other words, if site A has a link to site B and visa versa, both links negate themselves. It's simply a waste of time to participate in exchanging links with other sites now. It does not provide much help in increasing your ranking status. And be careful about Link Farms! NEVER participate in any program that promises to get your link on hundreds or thousands of pages. Your site could actually get banned by Google and Yahoo by using this form of web site online marketing!

Paid Link Placement

In some situations this can be a successful way to promote your site. As a paid method of web site online marketing it can be very cost effective if certain criteria are met. The site you purchase you link placement on should have a page rank of at least 5. If you do not have the Google Toolbar installed to see the page rank, download it free from Google. The second important thing to remember is that the site MUST contain the same kind of content as your site does. It does not good to pay for a link on a weather related site if you are selling dog collars. It will simply be a waste of your money. Lastly, I would not purchase links if the words "sponsored sites", "advertisers", etc. are shown near your link. The search engines will pick up on the fact these links are paid for and give your site little or no credit. It will never hurt for your link to be listed under "Sponsor Sites", but it may not help either. I would never pay more than twenty or thirty dollars a month for a link on a page with a rank of 5. I feel paying for links has benefited my web site online marketing efforts when my sites were new. Remember, your reason for paying for the link has more to do with your "status" perceived by the search engines of being linked to a high page rank site than it does with actually getting business directly from the link placement.

Email Campaigns

Leave this form of web site online marketing to the pros. After you have been successful with other forms of web marketing, one could try it on a limited basis. The best method is using an opt-in style of email marketing. This is where a visitor to your site signs up, for example, to a monthly newsletter. Since they are requesting you mail them something, you will not be accused of spam. Nothing is worse today than being called a spammer. There are professional companies that will handle your email campaigns. I highly suggest using these professional services since they have data bases setup to handle such things as automatic removal of invalid addresses and those recipients who have asked to be removed from the list.

Traditional Methods of Marketing

Once could always place ads in printed material such as magazines and newspapers. Here again one needs to be careful. It's best to start out slowly and test the waters in smaller, lower cost publications. Depending upon what is being sold, there are many possible avenues for this form of marketing.

Web Site Online Marketing

Too many people fail to realize the importance of web marketing. They simply think making a page and getting it up on the Internet means the money will immediately start flowing in. Nothing could be further from the truth! It takes much time, patience and hard work to make your first dollar on the web. And it's all about marketing. Market well and you will make money. Market poor or not at all and you'll simply have a neat site you are proud of. Success can be yours though with the right plan. Good luck!

by Steven Weber
Online Marketing Courses

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