By now, before you read this article, I know that you had already heard that online marketing is a way to promote your business, and also making some money online. Yes. That's true! Many people have used online marketing to promote their business to the internet world, and some have made money online in the process.
However, 95% of the people who go into online marketing fail terribly and brave up as soon as 3 months into their business. This is the number one reason why so many people fail, and I'm going to share with you how to over it.
This is the problem.
Information Overload.
Read that sentence above again.
Information Overload has caused many aspiring online marketers to give up, before they try to do any online marketing! Let's explore further why this is such a big problem online now.
When people bought the idea that online marketing can be profitable for their business and even made money online, they will attend many different courses on online marketing. No problem with that, and in fact, they have taken a big step in launching their online marketing business by educating themselves. After the courses, they are on to apply what they have learned in their business.
However, the sad truth is, many people who have graduated with basic online marketing knowledge, are not taking action and applying those skills that they have learned into the business! They are not lazy, they are not complacent, but they are paralleled by the amount of information online.
In online marketing, most people would have learned some basic forms of driving traffic to their websites, and these methods include free or paid traffic generation. For free traffic, it can be generated through blogging, social media, article marketing, video marketing, forum marketing, to name a few. For paid traffic, they can be generated through Pay-per-click advertising, Facebook Ads, ezine Solo Ads, Listbuilders, Banner Ads, to name a few too.
By just naming a few methods of free and paid traffic, we can see there are 10 methods that people can use to drive traffic to their business online. That's where the problem comes in. People do not know which traffic generation method to learn and to apply to their marketing plan. So here's what they do.
They buy more and more courses on how to do marketing online, since they are so available on the online market today. They go on to learn more traffic generation methods as they feel that they are still very incompetent. And as time goes by, there come a stage where they are too overwhelmed by the information they are loading themselves, and worse, they feel that marketing online is so difficult because they have to learn so many things in order to get started!
Here, 95% of the people did not start any online marketing activities, even after spending so much money on educating themselves on the subject. They are just overwhelmed by the information loaded on them. They are information-paralyzed.
How To Overcome Information Paralysis.
If there is only one challenge to overcome, I would highly advise you to learn to access information load, or information paralysis.
Regardless of how many traffic generation methods you have learned, pick only one. Yes. Pick only one , either a free or paid traffic generation method. Next, commit yourself to master that traffic generation method, and stay focused and committed before you move on to another traffic generation method.
Of course, you can start with two traffic generation methods instead of one, but note that your focus will be diverted to two places now, and as you spread your focus on more methods, your chances of failure will also increase.
I believe this can be the most valuable advice for someone who has just begun online marketing, or has failed before due to the information paralysis they suffer online.
by Ding Neng
Online Marketing Courses
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Online Marketing – How to Overcome the Number One Problem People Fail in Online Marketing
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