Implementing your passion doesn’t have to be tough but if you’re just getting started, it can be, especially because you don’t know what to expect. I’m a true believer in that with the right outline and a clear vision, anything is possible, but you need to know the important factors involved. For example, many people waste time worrying about the things that don’t matter, however, I’m here to give you a list of “5” important elements that I’ve learned over the years. Each one is unique, but will definitely help you get sorted and implement your passion online.
Let’s get started.
Get Help
No one can do anything on their own and when you ask some of the MOST success people, they’ll tell you the same thing. Some people had a head start within your niche so you can learn a lot from them, but they also know something you don’t. Working with people is a great way to get your brand out and build even more awareness through networking. Why compete with each other when the market is big enough for both of you to make money…right?
If you’re just getting started and have NO prior knowledge, then reach out to others within your niche for help. Pick at their brains and try to find out as much as you can, which will help boost your business.
What it’ll Do for Others
Your passion must resonate with others for you to build momentum and brand awareness. If you are using your passion to start a business, then you need to make sure you answer this very simple question: What will it do for others? You can consider these people your customers and you need to find a way to help them. The more problems your “passion” solves, the better for you.
Here is something I live by:
The bigger problem you’re solving, the greater profit margin. I’m not saying your passion should be about “money”, but I do believe that for you to have a viable business, you should know how you’ll be helping people.
Landing Page
Landing pages are important because it’s a clever way to build a list. Through a list, you’ll be able to re-market to build within your niche and this can build loyalty. You want to make sure people keep coming back to your blog or site, which is why I love to build my list from the first day. Create a simple landing page and test them until you have optimized the results.
Social Media
Social media is important to build brand awareness because it’s free and can drive relevant traffic to your website. If you want to implement your passion and build awareness, then it’s important to use social media. It’s a cost effective way to illustrate your passion and promote your content or thoughts. I always ask my clients if they have a social media account and if they don’t, I tell them right away to set one up. Social media doesn’t have to be time consuming, especially these days when everything can be automated.
- Use Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
- Automate the process
- Add social share buttons
- Stay active
Show Results
Finally, you have to track results so you can find out what’s working and what needs to be tweaked. If you have a website, then use Google Analytics to find out about your audience, landing pages, and the way people engage with your site. If you have a physical business, then track sales and conversions over several months. The point I’m making is by tracking results, you can learn what’s working and how to implement your passion in a way that it’s more visible. You’ll then know how to market it going forward and what tweaks to make along the way.
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by Rizvan Ullah
Reference source :
Turn Your Passion Into Profits with These Steps
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