Do you think you need a website to generate massive amounts of income from the internet. No you do not. It's called affiliate marketing and thousands of affiliates all over the world are making money online without a website, and simply by promoting their vendor's products.
First, all you need to do is sign up with an affiliate network. Some of the most popular include Clickbank, Shareasale, and Commission Junction. Next pick out one or two products to promote. It's best to choose a product that is something interesting to you, it will be more fun to promote. Now that you have a product or two picked out, you need to advertise it!
Pay-per-click advertising is the fastest and easiest way to advertise anything on the internet. Google AdWords is a good place to start, there is also Yahoo or Facebook. Choose one to begin and you can expand from there.
You should have gotten a hop link from your affiliate network for the product you are promoting. This is the http: // link that you will be promoting. Whenever someone clicks on it and buys the product, you receive a commission of the sale.
Now you need to write an ad for your product. Create a catchy headline and great ad copy. There are numerous resources online that can help you write a creative ad. Write several of them and choose the top three you think are best. Start using them on your advertising platform, such as AdWords or Yahoo, and be sure the link points to your hop link.
That's it. You should check your stats daily to see how many people click on your ad and end up buying the product.
by Mindi A Bailey
Origin soruce :
How to Generate Online Revenue Without a Website
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