Monday, April 2, 2018

Why Google AdWords is Losing the Battle to Facebook Ads

Google AdWords is one of the leading advertising platform and you can not deny its presence and how it has helped many people around the world promote their business. It has grown from nothing to generating millions each year, and its success is not an overnight affair. However, there is another player that is playing catching-up, and it is none other than your favorite social networking site, Facebook.

Here are some reasons why Facebook is gaining more and more advertisers.

1. Advertising on Facebook is cheaper. Since there are many people using AdWords and the ads are shown based on a bidding system, it can get really expensive, even for less popular niches today. What cost a few cents in the past can easily cost you a dollar today. Facebook is still in its infancy stage, and therefore
you can get much cheaper clicks than when using AdWords. This is a good place for small businesses to start and flourish.

2. Facebook has more page views than Google itself! With the increasing number of users on Facebook, this is a reliably untapped market. There is a lot of potential in this area.

3. Laser-targeted ads. Facebook allows you to target keywords and locations much better. There is a huge database in Facebook and the ads are displayed based on our profiles. You can choose to target ads based on age, location, gender, keywords, educational levels, interests, etc. There has never been any advertising that is so specific in nature. Imagine using most of these features to display your ads to the exact person that you are looking for!

4. More flexibility. You can enter up to 135 characters in your ads, compared to only 75 in AdWords. This allows you to provide as much information as you could, so allowing the viewer to decide if he / she should click on your ad. There are also fewer issues to comply with when compared to AdWords.

5. Pictures tell a thousand words. You can add pictures to your text and this will definitely capture more attention. You can also use images on AdWords, but they do not allow you to have any description (text). It is good if you can show the product that you are advertising, and Facebook allows just that.

To sum it up, you should also use Facebook for a start. Who knows, you might be jumping ship very soon.

Source by George Yeo

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Why Google AdWords is Losing the Battle to Facebook Ads


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