Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Permission – It’s Not Up to You – The Roots of Social Marketing

Is this you? "If I'm not interested in what you have to say, I won't watch it, read it, and hear it. I'm not a hostage any longer".

eMail spammers did consumers one great service. They taught us it was OK to hit delete. The VCR taught us to fast-forward past commercials. So people do skip all the ads, and yet marketers continue to spend on sending ads that are NOT personal or relevant.

Your marketing demands respect for the people on the receiving end. I hear, "I attempted to use permission marketing" and they keep complaining they don't like it. Too much patience is needed, not fast enough; they want the fast track to big profits.

Companies that see permission as an asset, not just a tactic see much better results. used every tactic they could find - TV ads, sock puppets, and email veiled as "permission", blowing through hundreds of millions of dollars by interrupting people who didn't want to hear from them. They failed. has done the opposite and get what it means to build relationship. They used no TV, no puppets, and a very calm and patient approach to permission marketing. They won.

Bottom line - permission marketing from the consumer's point of view

o The second the messages you send me cease to be anticipated, personal, and relevant, the you cease to exist in my world

o My permission is priceless. It can't be bought or sold

o I don't care about you. Not really, I care about me. If your message has something to do with my life, then perhaps I'll notice, but in general, don't expect much.

o Privacy Policies are fine print and meaningless. When I give you permission, we make a deal and you're making a promise. If you break that promise, whether or not you are legally in the right, we're finished

o I demand your respect! Mistreat me, break a promise, cheat or lie or undervalue our relationship, then you're history.

Be deliberate with your intentions to honor what permission means in growing your loyal base, and speak to them respectfully when you send communications.

Source by Jerry Hart

Origin soruce :
Permission – It’s Not Up to You – The Roots of Social Marketing


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