Monday, April 2, 2018

Make Money Fast, Make Money Fast – Is It Really Possible

There is a lot of 'hype' on the way anyone can make money fast and become an 'overnight' millionaire on the Internet.

The truth is that most of those people who laboriously build their websites and try to sell their products or services over the Internet fail. That is an undeniable reality.

There are many reasons cited as the cause of failure for all these people.

And every single time the statistics and statisticians mention the results of their research the MAIN reason for failure in every single case is ignored.

There is only ONE reason for failure and only ONE reason for success: your Self Image. With the right Self image you will automatically think like a millionaire, you will have that 'millionaire mindset' and things will flow a lot smoother and be a lot easier. it may still take some time, but not as soon as long as when you go into business with an inadequate, losing Self Image.

The mistake MOST people make is to jump immediately into some new Internet ventures: work at home, make money online, make money using ebay, you name it.

The real problem is that all these people NEVER stop to examine the REAL Self that will attempt to achieve those objectives.

The problem resides in the Self that is supposed to achieve all these worthy goals.

The REAL problem is the Self Image of those who embark in these business ventures.

Billionaire Bill Bartmann was totally accurate when he stated that the basis of success is the Self Image - as explained in his book "Billionaire secrets of success".

If you were able to study all those who fail on the Internet, you will find that
they are totally sold in some of these very limiting beliefs:

- Life is hard

- Money does not grow on trees

- It is real hard for me to make money

- I never have enough money

- Money is the root of all evil

- Money is evil

- Money will not buy happiness

- Making money is not that important to me

- Making money does not turn me on

- I do not know how to make money

- I just stink at making money

- I will never be rich

All these unfortunate people never learned that their beliefs is creating their realities. More accurately, they are materializing their physical realities through
those beliefs they hold to be true.

Look very hard at those beliefs above (and similar ones). If indeed a person is creating his own reality through these beliefs, why would that person materialize lots of money, abundance, prosperity and success?

Those beliefs will make the person fail and experience more lack and limitation.
Those beliefs are making all those people repel money and fail in their business ventures.

You can buy the very best programs to make money you can find. You can be handed the best program in the world, a program that is guaranteed to make you a success.

And, unless you already have the 'correct' beliefs, you will FAIL.

Your beliefs make up your Self Image. And your Self Image sets the limits to what you can accomplish. You will NEVER achieve beyond the limits set by your Self image.

In very simple words, if you have a belief such as "It is real hard for me to make money", you will have a very hard time making any. It CAN NOT BE EASY
you believe it is hard.

If you believe that "money is not everything" why would your mind help you achieve
the goal of being very wealthy? After all, YOU set the RULE that "money is not everything", that is your Self Image, and you can not achieve beyond that limitation.

So, it seems as though you are doomed to failure.

There is an answer, though.

And the answer is to examine the beliefs you hold, which make up your Self Image, eliminate any belief conflicting with your goal and adopt new beliefs that
will help you achieve such goal.

Example: Let's say you hold such a belief as "I will never be rich". You become aware of it. Using the proper techniques, you totally obliterate this very limiting belief, and then replace it with such an empowering belief such as "It is real easy for me to become rich".

In this particular example, once the old belief is replaced by the new one, you will start thinking the thoughts and do all those things necessary for you to become rich - and it will be easy to do it.

Unfortunately, it is very rare the case where only ONE belief is responsible for
failure. In most cases, there is a cluster of similar beliefs, like the ones you read at the beginning of this article.

And you need to learn how to use specific techniques and tools to totally change the contents of your Self Image, and remove and replace all those 'wrong', useless beliefs with 'useful', powerful, winning beliefs.,

Yes, you are doomed to failure when you ignore the FIRST thing you must do before embarking in new venture: change your provide Self Image.

No, you are NOT doomed to failure when the FIRST thing you do when embarking on a new business venture is to make the necessary changes to an obligate Self Image.

ALWAYS examine your Self Image FIRST. Then, proceed. By doing this, you will make sure you are not one of the very many victims of failure on the Internet.

Yes, it is possible to make money fast. The people with the "rich 'mentality, the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires are doing it all the time.

One more time, so you imprint it in your mind and soul. There is only ONE reason for failure and only ONE reason for success: your Self Image. With the right Self image you will automatically think like a millionaire, you will have that 'millionaire mindset' and things will flow a lot smoother and be a lot easier. It may still take some time, but not as soon as long as when you go into business with an insufficient, losing Self Image.

Source by Leo Foster

Reference source :
Make Money Fast, Make Money Fast – Is It Really Possible


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