Marketing is the profession I chose in college. Yes, I am one of the few people who is actually working in the field she studied in school!
Why did I choose marketing? Why do I still enjoy it after 21 years?
Here are the Top 10 Reasons I Love Marketing.
(1) It's never boring. No two days are ever the same. Because no two projects are ever the same. And, because no two clients are ever the same. So even if I am doing the same task there are always enough variables to keep in interesting.
(2) It's creative. Marketing is about generating ideas. It's about creating ways to make more, get more and sell more. It's a creative industry, filled with creative, idea-generating people. And I LOVE creating!
(3) I get to learn about all sorts of businesses. Over the past 21 years I have created and implemented marketing plans for clients in every industry imaginable. I've marketed fitness, new cars, new homes, resale homes, newspapers, websites, hotels, restaurants, products, and the list goes on. In the process, I get to learn about each of these businesses and it's fascinating.
(4) It involves writing and I love to write. Writing is one of my favorite creative outlets. To have the opportunity to do it every day in my work is pure joy!
(5) It enables me to have my own business. When I decided I wanted to be home more with my kids, I was able to successfully open my own business because I knew how to market. And, it continues to allow me to successfully open new business ventures.
(6) It lends itself to freelance and independent work. Marketing is not just something you can do in a 9 to 5 job. There are many freelance and independent work opportunities available. Because of this I was able to easily transition from a full-time marketing job to my own business.
(7) I get to meet all kinds of interesting people. From clients, to the media, to production vendors, to partners, to podcast interviewees, I have had the opportunity to meet so many interesting people over the past 21 years. And, I continue to meet new ones every single day. It's awesome!
(8) It's always changing so it keeps me on my toes. It seems they are always inventing new ways to market. In the past two years alone I've had to fully learn about Internet Marketing, Blogging and Podcasting - things I knew nothing about before. I'm telling you, it keeps my brain young!
(9) There are so many facets to a marketing career. Over the past 21 years, I've worked in advertising agencies in production, media and account services. I've been a marketing director on the client side. I've run my own virtual marketing agency, DLC Marketing. And, I've had the opportunity to create and build 10stepmarketing, Twin Connections and now 6FigureWorkAtHomeMom.
(10) It has supported me well over the past 21 years! While I admit I did not make much my first few years out of college (talk about living on peanuts!), For the most part, marketing has allowed me to make a good living doing work I enjoy.
What about you? Do you LOVE what you do? If not, is not it time you found your passion and pursued it. Make that your marketing step this week.
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10 Reasons I Love Marketing
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