I always think it's funny when I talk to a client about Facebook Ads and they tell me, "I do not click on those ads ... Nobody does".
Yes you do.
Through my experience in pay per click ad management, Facebook is telling me otherwise. People DO click on the ads and the results I've seen have been unparallel to most other PPC platforms. I'm seeing better click-through rates than I've seen compared to even the king of PPC platforms, Google Adwords. and what's surprised me even more, are the conversion rates. My latest campaign boasted a 40% conversion. So, not only are people clicking, but they're also engaging with my client's brand. Proven ROI..That's why I love this stuff.
There's something to be said for this highly targeted advertising platform. If your customers are on Facebook, it's definitely worth giving it a shot. Honing in on your target market to the degree of gender, location, marital status AND interests - you're bound to see results. And if you do not, you'll know with little investment that you need to do something differently.
And do not ever discount the power of a well-designed and properly focused landing page. That's where the money's at.
A landing page should be highly relevant to what the ad says and be the final step in achieving your marketing goal. If your goal is to get sales leads, then you should have a capture form on the page for people to fill out. If your goal is to sell your product, your ad should bring users directly to a page where they can buy your product.
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You Do Click on Facebook Ads
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