Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Social Marketing – How to Use Social Media Tools to Attract Visitors to Your Website

Social marketing is all about communicating with your audience. If you're selling a product or service that people want or desire you have to find where those people are interacting on the web. If you participate in their conversations by asking questions, leaving comments, and providing useful information you will be able to establish a relationships with them. Social media tools make communication much easier because many people are using them.

4 social media tools I use to attract visitors to my website


This is my primary source of communication because it's where I continuously create new content. Content gets distributed around the net through RSS feeds, comments, trackbacks and search engines. Once the content gets posted it automatically generates traffic back to my blog. Once the content has been added to the blog I distribute it through other marketing channels.


This is a social media tool that allows you to communicate with your visitors 140 characters at a time. People want to be alerted of new content. Every time I create new content for my blog I send out an alert to my Twitter followers so they can immediately receive tips for how to improve the online business.


YouTube receives more traffic than Google so it makes sense to utilize this social media tool to drive traffic back to your website. I simply convert the written content on my blog into a video article and upload it to you YouTube. This can be achieved by creating a slideshow with Windows movie maker or simply reading the article into a video camera. Upload your video to video sharing websites ( besides YouTube) to generate more traffic.


This is currently the top article directory on the web because it receives more visitors than any other article directory. Submitting your content to this directory will guarantee an increase in your blog traffic. Here are some of the ways it attracts visitors:

  • Ezine publishers and site owners republish your content in their e-zines and on their websites.
  • Your account can be integrated with your EzineArticles account so your content will automatically be tweeted
  • Readers can subscribe to the directory RSS feeds
  • Social media icons are located at the end of each article
  • E-mail alerts are sent to readers who opted in to receive the content
  • Content may appear in the "most viewed" or "most published" category in your niche for 60 days


Social media tools can suck a lot of time out of your day if not used wisely. Set aside a specific period of time to write and post the content to your blog. Immediately after you've added your blog content, alert your Twitter followers by sending a tweet to them. Create a video article from your content then submit it to video sharing websites. Lastly submit your article to Ezinearticles for publication.

If you use these social media tools to distribute your content frequently and consistently your traffic will continue to increase and you'll generate more sales.

Source by Herman Drost

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Social Marketing – How to Use Social Media Tools to Attract Visitors to Your Website


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