Before you can begin working on your own social marketing plan, you need to know some important tips on how to put one together effectively. Below are some of those tips.
Tip 1: Put it in Writing
Always put your social marketing plan in writing. If you don't, then you're relying on your memory to keep track of everything and that's unreliable. Plus, it becomes too easy to tweak things when it doesn't turn out quite the way you hoped. For example, if you wanted to attract 10,000 visitors to your MySpace page but fell short by 2,500 that's easier to correct in your mind than on paper.
Tip 2: Set Short and Long Term Goals
A big part of the social marketing plan is establishing the goals that are going to help you be successful. However, it's better to look at goals as building blocks that gradually help you reach your ultimate destination. Otherwise, you may get discouraged.
Tip 3: Look at the Competition
One of the best ways to know what works is to look at what other people are doing and follow their examples. You can find out what social networking sites is a good bet and which methods of reaching your audience may pan out the best.
Tip 4: Identify Your Strengths & Weaknesses
Part of your social marketing plan might be to identify the areas where you're going to need more help, possibly from outside sources. This can help you choose your methods and set your budget for your marketing plan.
Now act on these tips!
Source by Fabian Tan
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Social Marketing – 4 Tips For Preparing to Create a Precise Attack Plan
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