Monday, March 26, 2018

Making Money From iPhone Apps – The 5 Best Tips

Creating iPhone applications is one of the newest ways to make money with minimal investment. If you are new to programming you may need to learn some basics first, or simply pay someone else to produce it. Once your programming is sorted, you will need guidance on how to convert your ideas into an iPhone app. that people will buy.

Here are some tips that can maximize your success:

Make sure your application is relevant, easy to use and not too large

A smaller app file will appeal to more buyers, as they are quicker to run, and people are also resistant to buying Applications that use too much space on their iPhone. Remember, the aim is to make as much money with your iPhone app. as possible.

Start with the basic version of your application.

Do not add too many bells and whistles straight away. You will then be able to increase your income later on by releasing a premium version with all of the extra features. You will also need to add individual features to your basic version later on, to enable regular updates.

Submit your application to the Apple Web App. Directory

Apple's Web app directory is the main list that shows the newest applications, and you will not get much traffic from other directories. After submitting, you have to wait a day or so while Apple reviews your application to ensure that it functions properly. As soon as Apple has reviewed your app. it will appear near the top of their most recently added list. You should there before get lots of hits straight away, which means you have successfully started making money from your iPhone app.

Resubmit your Application.

Resubmit your app. with each new feature, however small. Just complete the "What's New" part of the resubmission form. This will place your app listing at the top of the directory again, leading to even more sales. If your application is popular, you may even sell the revised version to many of the same people that bought the original.

Always submit and resubmit your Application. on a Thursday or Friday.

Apple does not list new applications at the weekend, so the ones listed on Thursday and Friday stay at the top of the list over the weekend, which is also a prime time to buy.

All of these steps will help your iPhone app. gain exposure and buyers, but only if your product is attractive, practical and easy to use. Once you have a good idea, by following these steps, you will make money with your iPhone apps.

Source by Mark Tebbs

Reference source :
Making Money From iPhone Apps – The 5 Best Tips


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