Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Google Adsense – A Website Income

Many of us have websites and as a matter of course join the Google AdSense plan and place the appropriate script code on our web pages. Taking for granted that visitors will come to our web pages and quite happily click on these Google AdSense ads and consequentially we will make money.

However, having experienced with the placement of Google ads and reading as much information on the subject as possible there is more to it than just putting the ad anywhere on your web page.

Positioning of the Goole AdSense script is critical and it is a proven fact that placing the ad at the top central position of your web page directly below your header banner and before your body text is a prime target area. Equally enough so is placing your Google AdSense ad on the top left position of your left sidebar? Both of these can result in you gaining a higher click through rate and a better CPM figure.

Just as important as the positioning of your ad is also the way it is presented and you should not just accept the default settings. It is far better to select the background color of the ad to match the background color of your web site and this also applies to the ads border color.

Pay careful attention also to the Google AdSense link colors, if possible it is far more effective to match these colors to the same color as you use for your main body text.

As with all things on the internet you really need to experiment with your website and try various configurations but follow these few simple rules and I think you will find a marked increase in your Google income will soon appear.

Source by Terry Till

Reference source :
Google Adsense – A Website Income


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