Tuesday, November 21, 2017

How to Build Deep Links to Boost Your Website in the SERP’s

The concept of deeplinking is NOT new but the value placed on it has never been more evident. For those of you not aware of the term “deeplinking”, it refers to building links to internal pages on your website to increase the overall value of your entire site. The reason Google is putting so much emphasis on this concept is because when people are trying to rank their website, they would often focus on a single homepage and a few keywords that would decrease the entire value of the search results. Let me ask you a question: Would you rather be loyal to a website with a single ranking page with value or an entire website? If you’re like me, then you would agree an entire website with value is more appealing than a single home page. Next,

It’s important you know how to build a deeplinking structure the right way because you have to be strategic in the way you approach this SEO campaign. Let’s look at the fundamentals of deeplinking.

Finding the Right Keywords

Because each page is ranked individually and has its own keywords, you have to apply the same concept to sub-pages as you would your homepage. The best mind frame is to consider each page on your website a homepage so you apply what you know exactly as you have been to the root domain. For example, if your main website is on “Link Building” and your sub-page is on “Long-Tail Keywords”, then start building an SEO campaign based around relevant keywords. Even when I’m building links to sub-pages, I’ll go through a vigorous keyword research pattern. However, keep in mind, much of my research is done before I actually publish my pages. I strongly recommend everyone to perform research before publishing because there is NO replacement for the right type of keyword research. So, why do I perform additional research?

I want to make sure I have a mix of keywords. I’ve written extensively on this topic before and how Google has been changing the user search pattern. For example, you should be incorporating the following:

  • LSI keywords
  • Long tail keywords
  • URL
  • Branded

It’s also important to use this type of mix when building anchor text to your pages.

The Importance of On-Page SEO

Just like any other page on your website, especially your homepage, it’s important to have the right on-page SEO elements in place. Now that you’ve performed your keyword research, it’s time to start implementing the right keyword in the right place. For example, I always pay close attention to the following:

  • Title – have main keyword in title of page
  • URL – have related keywords in the URL of page
  • Description – very important because this will be displayed in SERP’s
  • Content – important when Google will index your page

Keep in mind, having a diversity of keywords will ensure you can use several different types of anchor text when building links going forward.

Building Anchor Text Links

Here’s where things will get mixed up a little because you’ll be building links to your home page and sub-page at the same time. I like to kill two birds with one stone, especially when I’ll be writing content and buying links on business directories. If you’re allowed “2” links when building links, then why NOT take advantage of both of them, so here’s the game plan going forward. Always keep your home page and home-page keywords handy. Remember above when I mentioned the importance of having the following types of keywords for anchor text:

  • LSI keywords
  • Long tail keywords
  • URL
  • Branded

It’s time to start building links but keeping Google policies in mind. Spread out your link building and diversify your campaigns. Use different sources like blogs, directories, articles, forums, etc., when building links, but always build “1” link to your home page and the other to your sub-page. By doing this, you’re doing two things:

First, because your pages are connected through a structure, you are building value to both pages, which is awesome for increasing the overall value of your entire website. Secondly, you’re diversifying your link portfolio, which is amazing for organic search and ranking for a variety of keywords. It’s a great way to generate traffic organically from various different keywords.

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How to Build Deep Links to Boost Your Website in the SERP’s


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