A while back I wrote about how I made the switch to ConvertKit, and promised to follow up with more details. You can check that post out here: Two Tools You Should Be Using to Grow Your Audience. I switched to ConvertKit in June, and it’s been fan-freaking-tastic. The ease of use, the organized user interface, the ability to target specific audiences, I could *seriously* go on and on, and on…and on. Anyway, it’s so super easy to get started and I’m going to show you how.
Get Started Using ConvertKit With Free Newsletter Template
ConvertKit is BIG on simplicity, and it’s noticeable in every element of your dashboard. I’m a visual person, and having this chart greet me upon login is super efficient.
The first thing you’ll want to do after registering for ConvertKit is place a signup form on your site. The super versatile eNews Extended plugin we use in all of our WordPress themes is compatible with ConvertKit.
Create a ConvertKit Signup Widget
- From your dashboard, click “Create Form”.
- Select either option, landing page or embed.
- Select which fields you would like to collect.
- Then grab the form id from the top of your page.
- Paste that form id into the url below, in place of “12345”.
- Place the completed url in the “Form Action” field of your eNews Widget.
- Test it out, make sure it’s working properly.
- For a more detailed explanation, check out the ConvertKit documentation.
Once you have your eNews widget populated, you’re ready to either import your existing subscribers, or customize your email template. If you need to import your existing subscribers, here’s a tutorial. Spoiler alert, it’s SUPER simple.
Let’s get your newsletter looking pretty, shall we?
One of the big selling points for me with ConvertKit was it’s simplicity. While I dig their no fuss outlook on design, y’all know I had to add just a little fun and some color. Download your free ConvertKit Newsletter Template in our freebies section, here . If you are not already subscribed to the PDCD newsletter, you’ll need to do so in order to access this free ConvertKit Newsletter Template.
- From your ConvertKit Dashboard click on “Account” up top, then “Email Template” then “New Template”.
- Copy and paste the content of the template you downloaded from me, into the Template HTML area.
- Save.
- You’ll find further instructions for customizing the template at the bottom of this post. Be sure to change out the social media links, and add your logo/background image.
Once you’ve added your template, you can select it as your default on the Email Templates screen. (Account>Email Template)
Send Your First ConvertKit Newsletter
Now, you’re ready to create a new “broadcast” which is ConvertKit speak for newsletter.
- Click “Broadcasts” at the top of your screen.
- Select “New Broadcast”.
- And everything else is self explanatory from here. Because ConvertKit is awesome.
After using ConvertKit for several months, I googled and discovered they have an affiliate program. I’ve used those links in this post, and highly recommend you join their program as well. You’ll be telling everyone how much you love ConvertKit after trying it out. Trust me.
To really grasp the possibilities, you’ll want to read more about how to use Tags, sequences etc in the complete guide to ConvertKit.
A few extra tips for customizing the free ConvertKit template.
Look for the following areas of the template to change the background color of your social media links at the bottom, I’ve set them to a default light gray, just swap out that #f9f9f9 for whatever hex color you like:
li.pink a { background-color: #f9f9f9; color: #fff; padding: 8px 24px; } li.yellow a { background-color: #f9f9f9; color: #fff; padding: 8px 24px; } li.mint a { background-color: #f9f9f9; color: #fff; padding: 8px 24px; }
Add a button to any email by clicking on the option on your broadcast screen, and using this code:
<a href="Your Link Here" class="button">Your Button Text Here</a>
Change the color of your links
a { color: #ddd; text-decoration: none; }
Change the button background color:
.button { display: block; width: 90%; background-color: #f7529c; color: #fff; padding: 8px 24px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; }
To add images, and customize further, open the template and look for the areas I’ve noted with instructions prior to sending out a newsletter, and be sure to preview your template before using.
Questions? Just ask ’em below and I’ll be happy to answer them. Happy e-Mailing!
xo Lindsey
Reference source :
Get Started Using ConvertKit With Free Newsletter Template • Pretty Darn Cute Design
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